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Holy Russia - Third Rome


General meeting of Founders
The report № 1
On March 18, 2009


To the National and Religious Consent of

MOSCOW, 2009


1.1. The fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent Princes (further - Fund) is the noncommercial organization created on the basis of voluntary property payments of founders and participants, and the pursuing purpose, certain in the present Charter.
1.2. The fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent Princes is created according to the Federal law « About the noncommercial organizations », the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of the Russian Federation.
1.3. The full official name of Fund in Russian: Fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent Princes, the abbreviated name in Russian Fund SNRS Princes. In English: Fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent Princes. The reduced name in English is Fund ANRC of Princes.
1.4. A place a presence of Fund: Russia, 125475, Moscow, street Zelenogradskaya, house 25, block 4, office № 16, room 6.
1.5. Founders of Fund are Citizens of the Russian Federation:
Kubarev Valeriy Viktorovich....
Yusupov Vagiz Anvarbekovich....
1.6. The fund is the noncommercial organization not having membership founded by citizens and legal persons on the basis of voluntary property payments, pursuing social, cultural, educational, and medical and other socially useful purposes. The property transferred to Fund by his founders, is the property of Fund. Founders do not answer for obligations the Fund created by them, and the Fund does not answer for obligations the founders.
1.7. The fund is the legal person, not having as the basic purpose of the activity extraction of the profit for its distribution between founders and workers of Fund as incomes. In case of reception of the income as a result of activity of Fund it should go on realization of the authorized purposes. The fund uses property for the purposes determined in his Charter. The fund has the right to be engaged in the enterprise activity necessary for achievement of socially useful purposes for the sake of which the Fund is created, and corresponding to these purposes. For realization of enterprise activity the Fund has the right to create economic societies or to participate in them. The fund is obliged to publish annually reports on use of the property.
1.8. The fund gets rights of the legal person from the moment of the state registration. The fund has independent balance, round stamp with a designation of the name, the location, with the emblem registered in the established law the order, and the name Fund of Assistance to the National and Religious Consent "Princely", stamps, forms and other means of identification. A seal round with a designation of the name according to item 1.3. of the present Charter, the country of a presence and an emblem. The fund can have settlement, currency and other accounts, operates on principles of full economic independence, strict observance of the legislation and obligations to founders.
1.9. The fund independently defines directions of the activity, strategy of economic, technical and social development.
1.10. The fund has the right to get property, and also personal non-property rights and duties to be the claimant and the respondent in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.
1.11. The fund, realizing the competences of the proprietor, carries out possession, using and the order the property according to the Charter.
1.12. The fund can create branches and open representations in territory of the Russian Federation according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. The branch and representation of Fund are not legal persons, are allocated with property of Fund and operate on the basis of the Fund of position authorized by Presidium. The property of branch or representation is taken into account on separate balance and on balance of Fund. The branch and representation are allocated with the rights of operative management on the property of Fund fixed behind them. Heads of branch and representation are appointed Presidium of Fund and operate on the basis of the power of attorney given by Fund. The branch and representation carry out activity on behalf of created Fund. The responsibility is for activity of the of branch and representation bears Fund.
1.13. The fund answers under the obligations only that property on which under the current legislation collecting can be inverted.
1.14. The fund does not answer for obligations the state and the founders. The state and his bodies do not answer for obligations Fund.


2.1. The fund is created with a view of formation of property and accumulation of means on the basis of voluntary property payments, and also others, not forbidden by the law, receipts and use of the given property and means for:
- Assistance to the national and religious consent between peoples, religions and faiths;
- Formations of public opinion;
- Assistance to political both spiritual formation and education of citizens;
- Expressions of opinions of citizens on any questions of a public life, finishing of these opinions up to data of the wide public and bodies of the government;
- Assistance to citizens and the organizations in protection of an environment.
2.2. A subject of activity of Fund is realization according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation of the following kinds of the activity directed on achievement of the purposes for the sake of which the Fund is created:
- Formation and realization of programs and the actions directed on strengthening of the world and friendship between peoples and religions;
- Development of cooperation with the various organizations, establishments, the enterprises, private persons, both domestic, and foreign on the basis of sponsorship and charity;
- Creation in the order of the noncommercial organizations possessing the status of legal persons established by the law;
- The organization and realization of publishing with a view of popularization of created Fund;
- Development, carrying out of public examinations, interrogations, coordination of support of programs and projects in the field of ecology, policies, economy, formations, cultures and sports, spirituality and national self-determination;
- Attraction on conditions of target financing of financial resources of the state and not state, commercial and noncommercial organizations, private persons and other societies and the organizations directed on formation of created Fund.
At realization of the authorized purposes the Fund has the right:
- To act as the guarantor under obligations legal and private persons;
- To create economic societies;
- To be engaged in activity on attraction of resources;
- To participate in joint programs, projects and actions of the regional, inter-regional and international funds pursuing the similar purposes;
- To carry out when due hereunder foreign trade activities, to participate in the international programs and agreements;
- To supervise target use of the financial assets allocated by Fund, and in case of revealing infringements of target use of means to stop delivery of financial assets;
- To render the consulting and organizational - methodical help to the organizations and citizens by development of programs and the projects connected to the authorized purposes of Fund;
- To conclude contracts, to get and rent property, to enter other civil-law attitudes with legal and private persons;
- To carry out the publishing necessary for achievement of the authorized purposes of Fund;
- Promotes creation of creative collectives, advisory councils, the commissions, including with attraction of foreign experts;
- To create branches and to open representations of Fund in the order established by the current legislation and the present Charter;
- To carry out the enterprise activity necessary for achievement of the purposes, stipulated by the present Charter.


3.1. Participants of Fund are his founders, and also the persons, wishing to take part in activity of Fund and accepted in structure of participants in the order established by the present Charter.
3.2. Participants of Fund can be completely capable citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and persons without the citizenship, lawfully taking place in the Russian Federation, and legal persons, including the public associations, ready to recognize the Charter of Fund and to participate in activity of Fund. The specified persons can take part in activity of Fund as by entering donations, granting in gratuitous using property, and by rendering organizational and other assistance to Fund at realization the of authorized activity by him.
Participants of Fund have equal rights and perform equal duties.
3.3. Participants of Fund have the right:
- To participate in all kinds of his activity;
- To be supported, protection and the help of Fund to receive the consulting, expert, intermediary, methodical and financial help corresponding to the purposes and problems of Fund, on the basis of the Charter of Fund, and also on the basis of corresponding contracts;
- To establish and develop through Fund bilateral and multilateral communications;
- To use protection of the interests on the part of Fund within the framework of his legal rights and economic opportunities;
- On presentation of Presidium of Fund to be awarded with state and other awards for active participation in work of Fund;
- To participate in the actions which are carried out by Fund;
- To select and be elite in elective bodies of Fund;
- To receive the information on activity of Fund;
- To stop the participation in work of Fund in three months from the moment of submission of the application for an output from Fund to an agency of Fund.
3.4. The persons, wishing to become participants of Fund, should submit the written application addressed to the President with the request to include them in number of participants. The sent application is subject to consideration at extraordinary assembly of participants of Fund. The decision on inclusion of the new person in number of participants of Fund is deemed accepted, if for him all participants of Fund unanimously have voted.
3.5. The person, except for founders of Fund, becomes the participant of Fund from the moment of acceptance by General meeting of participants of the decision on his inclusion in structure of participants of Fund.
3.6. The fund keeps account the participants in the separate register.
3.7. Participants of Fund are obliged:
- To promote work of Fund;
- To carry out payments in activity of Fund;
- To carry out the decisions of elective bodies accepted within the framework of their competence;
- At realization of programs and actions of Fund to operate strictly according to requirements of his Charter;
- To not disclose the confidential information on activity of Fund;
- To not undertake the actions rendering material and mental cruelty of activity of Fund.
3.8. Participants of Fund can under the decision of General meeting of participants be excluded from Fund for infringement of the Charter, and also for the actions discrediting Fund, rendering to it a material damage.


4.1. Controls of Fund are:
- The supreme body of management - the Presidium consisting of the president and Vice-president;
- Executive individual body - the President;
- Supervising body - the Board of guardians.
4.2. In Fund the Auditor elected by Presidium of Fund who is not controls operates.
4.3. The supreme body of management of Fund is the Presidium which basic function is maintenance of observance with Fund of the purposes in which interests the Fund is created.
At establishment of Fund the Presidium is formed by founders in quantity not less than two person: the President and Vice-president. Further the Presidium is formed due to co-optation in him of new members. The presidium gathers for the sessions as required, but not less often than an once in a year. The president is selected Presidium from among his members for the period of five years. At creation of Fund the President is selected on general meeting of founders. The president of Fund carries out a management of Presidium, convokes his sessions presides over them.
4.4. Presidium of Fund:
- Makes changes and additions to the Charter of Fund;
- Makes a decision on election of an agency of Fund and the prescheduled termination of his powers;
- Makes of the decision on reorganization of Fund in established by the law and the present Charter the order;
- Defines priority directions of activity of Fund, principles of formation and use of property of Fund;
- Selects and removes from a post of Vice-president and the Auditor;
- Selects the Board of guardians;
- Establishes a rate of commission of the Auditor;
- Considers reports of the President and the Auditor;
- Makes of the decision on an establishment and maintenance of communications with the international and foreign organizations;
- Asserts target programs and defines sources of financing;
- Prepares and considers for questions and the materials which are born on the Board of guardians of Fund;
- Makes of the decision on participation in activity and creation of economic societies;
- Makes of the decision on creation of Branches and opening of Representations and asserts Regulations about of them;
- The statement of the annual report and annual accounting balance;
- The statement of the financial plan of Fund and entering into him of changes;
- Makes of the decision on participation in other organizations;
- Makes of the decision on inclusion of new persons in number of participants of Fund;
- Makes of the decision on exception of persons from among participants of Fund;
- Has the right to accept to the consideration and other questions of activity of Fund.
Session of Presidium is competent, if at the specified session is present more than half of his members.
The decision of session of Presidium is accepted by the majority of voices of the members present at session. Decisions of session of Presidium on questions of the exclusive competence of Presidium (questions with 1 on 4) are accepted unanimously.
4.5. The President of Fund:
- Provides performance of decisions of Presidium;
- Supervises over the current activity of Fund;
- Opens accounts in banks;
- Issues orders, decisions and instructs, obligatory for all workers of Fund;
- Defines conditions of a payment of workers of Fund;
- Asserts the list of staff;
- Asserts internal documents of Fund;
- Disposes of property and means of Fund, operates from his name without the power of attorney;
- Concludes contracts, makes other transactions;
- Carries out executive - administrative functions.
4.6. Vice-president of Fund is selected Presidium from among his members for the period of five years and carries out functions and duties of the President of Fund (item 4.5. of the present Charter of Fund) during his absence or under the mutual coordination of Vice-president and the President of Fund.
4.7. The auditor carries out the control over activity of Fund, correctness of an expenditure of his means, observance of positions of the Charter and decisions of controls of Fund. The auditor is selected unanimously for the period of five years Presidium. On the basis of the documents represented by Presidium and results of checks of activity of Fund, the Auditor gives the report on work of Fund to the Board of guardians. The report is given the Board of guardians not later than in one month after the termination of fiscal year.
4.8. The board of guardians of Fund is supervising body of the Fund, formed by Presidium. The board of guardians carries out the activity on public principles. The board of guardians is appointed Presidium within a month from the moment of the state registration of Fund for the period of five years, officials of Fund cannot enter into him.
4.8.1. A board of guardians of Fund:
- Provides supervision of activity of Fund, acceptance by other bodies of Fund of decisions and maintenance of their execution, use of means of Fund;
- Observes of observance by bodies of Fund of the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
Besides the Board of guardians of Fund:
- Hears reports of the President;
- Watches correct performance of economic contracts;
- Hears reports of the Auditor on results of year about use of property of Fund.
4.8.2. For realization of the functions the Board of guardians has the right:
- To get acquainted with all internal documents issued by Presidium and the President of Fund, the Auditor;
- To receive explanations from any persons concerning to the personnel of Fund;
- To get acquainted with accounting documents.
4.8.3. The board of guardians gathers not less often than an once in a year. At the first session the rules of work of the Board of guardians is accepted.
4.9. The fund conducts book keeping, gives the accounting and statistical reporting in the order established by the legislation. With a view of realization state, social, economic and a tax policy Fund bears the responsibility for safety of documents (administrative, financial and economic, on staff, etc.), provides transfer on the state storage of documents, stores and uses when due hereunder documents on staff.
4.10. On the location of an agency of Fund - the President of Fund, the Fund stores the following documents:
- Constituent documents of Fund, and also all registered in the order of change determined by the law to them;
- The certificate on registration of Fund, orders, contracts, documents of the accounting and statistical reporting;
- The conclusions of the Auditor and the auditor, and also other documents, which storage it is necessary according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.11. On the location of Vice-president the Fund stores the following documents:
- The certified copies of constituent documents of Fund;
- The certified copies of the certificate on registration of Fund, a copy of the orders, the issued corresponding bodies of Fund.


5.1. Payments and donations of founders and other physical persons, legal persons can be brought in the monetary or natural form, as the equipment, premises, as "know-how", other intellectual property, and also rights of use of them. In this case the monetary estimation of a payment which is fixed in the decision of Presidium of Fund is made.
5.2. Sources of formation of property of Fund in monetary and other forms are:
- Regular and lumpsum receipts from founders (participants);
- Voluntary property payments and donations;
- Proceeds from realization of the goods, works, services;
- Dividends (incomes, percent), received under actions, bonds, other securities and contributions;
- The incomes received from the property of the noncommercial organization;
- Others, not forbidden by the law, receipts.
5.3. The property of Fund is created by him, got or transferred by citizens and the organizations the property, including money resources, actions, other securities and rights on the intellectual property. All property of Fund, incomes of enterprise activity are his property and cannot be redistributed between founders of Fund. The fund carries out possession, using and the order the property according to his purpose and only for achievement of the authorized purposes. Founders of Fund do not possess the property right to property of Fund, including on that its part which was formed due to their payments and donations.
5.4. The fund can have in the property or operative management of a building, a structure, an available housing, the ground areas, transport, the equipment, money resources in roubles and a foreign currency, securities, patents, trade marks, copyrights, other property and other products of intellectual activity and practical activities, and also other property necessary for maintenance of authorized activity of Fund.
5.5. In the property of Fund there can be also establishments, publishing houses, the mass media created and got due to means of Fund and according to his authorized purposes.
5.6. The fund answers under the obligations all property belonging to it on the property right.


6.1. The fund can participate in the international activity by means of the following actions:
- Creation of the branches and opening of representations in foreign countries according to the current legislation of these countries;
- Realization of an exchange by experience on the questions which are included in a field of activity of Fund;
- Other forms of the international contacts developing the authorized purposes and problems of Fund.
6.2. The fund can enter the international organizations according to the current legislation.


7.1. Changes and additions in the Charter of Fund are brought under the decision of Presidium of the Fund, confirmed unanimously, and are subject to the state registration.
7.2. The state registration of changes and additions in the Charter of Fund is carried out in the order established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3. Changes and additions the Charter of Fund inure from the moment of their state registration.


8.1. The fund can be reorganized in the order stipulated by the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the Federal law « About the noncommercial organizations » and other federal laws.
8.2. Reorganization of Fund can be carried out in the form of merge, connection, division, allocation and transformation.
8.3. The fund is considered reorganized, except for cases of reorganization in the form of connection, from the moment of the state registration of the newly arisen organization (organizations).
By reorganization of Fund in the form of connection to it of other organization first of them is considered reorganized from the moment of entering into the uniform state register of legal persons of record about the termination of activity of the attached organization.
8.4. The state registration of the organization (organizations) newly arisen as a result of reorganization and entering into the uniform state register of legal persons of record about the termination of activity of the reorganized organization (organizations) are carried out in the order established by federal laws.
8.5. Reorganization of Fund is carried out under the decision of Presidium of Fund or on other bases according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
The decision on reorganization of Fund is accepted by Presidium of Fund unanimously.


9.1. The decision on liquidation of fund can accept only court under the application of interested persons.
The fund can be liquidated:
If it is not enough property of Fund for realization of his purposes and the probability of reception of necessary property is unreal;
If the purposes of Fund cannot be achieved, and necessary changes of the purposes of Fund cannot be made;
In case of evasion of Fund in his activity from the purposes stipulated by his Charter;
In other cases stipulated by the current legislation.
9.2. In case of liquidation of Fund his property which has stayed after satisfaction of requirements of creditors, goes on the purposes specified in the Charter of Fund.
In a case if use of property of liquidated Fund according to his constituent documents is not obviously possible, it addresses in the income of the state.
9.3. Liquidation of Fund is considered completed, and Fund - stopped existence after entering about it records in the uniform state register of legal persons.
9.4. By reorganization or liquidation of Fund all documents (administrative, financial and economic, on staff, etc.) are transferred according to the established rules of Fund to the assignee. At absence of the assignee documents of the constant storage having scientific - historical value, are transferred to the state storage in archive. Documents on staff (orders, private affairs and cards of the account, personal accounts, etc.) are transferred to storage in archive in which territory there is a Fund. Transfer and ordering of documents is carried out by forces and due to means of Fund according to requirements of archival bodies.

Signatures of Founders of Fund:

1. ______________________ Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev

2. ______________________ Vagiz Anvarbekovich Yusupov

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Arms of participants of Fund
Arm of Princes Kubensky-Kubarev’s Arm of Princes Kurbsky’s
Arm of Imperial House of Ruricovich Arm of Princes Glinski’s
Arm of Princes Yusupov’s
©2020, Fund of assistance to the national and religious consent of Princes. All right reserved.
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