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Nova Church of Holy Russia
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Holy Russia - Third Rome

The main canon of the orthodox doctrine of Nova Church of Sacred Russia consists in Russian origin of Virgin Maria Vladimirovna and Sir Jesus Christ Zlatoust. The Nova Church of Sacred Russia calls Christians to accept the truth and to be cleared ото lie and a deceit, seized with initial church and laymen. The paramount problem of Nova Church of Sacred Russia will consist in preparation of nations of the world for transition through catastrophic updating of the Earth and human civilization and also in construction of new reality with survived people.

Creed of Nova Church of Sacred Russia in modern Russian:

I believe in the uniform God of the Father, the Lord, the Creator to the sky and the grounds, seen by all and invisible. And in uniform Jesus Christ's Sirs, the Son Divine, one begotten, and from the Father given birth before all a century, Light from Light, the God true from the God true, given birth, instead of created, same natural to the Father, them of all former. Us for the sake of the person and ours for the sake of rescue come down from heavens and embodied from Spirit Sacred, and Maria Vladimirovna Virgin becoming the men. Crucifixion for us in Propontis Galatia (Golgotha), and suffering, and buried. And revived in the third day on Holy Bible. And including on heavens, and sitting beside the Father. And like the future with glory to judge alive and dead, it Empire bear the end. And in Spirit Sacred, Sirs true and life-giving, And from the Father proceeding, And with the Father and the Son bowing and glorified, talk to prophets. In uniform Sacred, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. I profess a uniform christening in leave sins. To tea of revival dead. And a life of the next century. Amen.

Creed of Nova Church of Sacred Russia in Church–Russian:

1. Верую во единаго Бога Отца, Вседержителя, Творца небу и земли, видимым же всем и невидимым.
2. И во единаго Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия, Единороднаго, Иже от Отца рожденнаго прежде всех век; Света от Света, Бога истинна от Бога истинна, рождена, а не сотворена, единосущна Отцу, Имже вся быша.
3. Нас ради человек и нашего ради спасения сшедшаго с небес и воплотившагося от Духа Свята, и Марии Владимировны Девы вочеловечьшася.
4. Распятаго же за ны во Пропонтис Галатиа, и страдавша, и погребена.
5. И воскресшаго в третий день по Писанием.
6. И возшедшаго на небеса, и седяща одесную Отца.
7. И паки грядущаго со славою судити живым и мертвым, Егоже Царствию несть конца.
8. И в Духа Святаго, Господа истиннаго и животворящаго, Иже от Отца исходящаго, Иже со Отцем и Сыном спокланяема и сславима, глаголавшаго пророки.
9. Во едину Святую, Соборную и Апостольскую Церковь.
10. Исповедую едино крещение во оставление грехов.
11. Чаю воскресения мертвым.
12. И жизни будущаго века. Аминь.


a) Virgin Maria Vladimirovna is the Virgin, daughter of Sacred Vladimir Rurikovich and Empresses Anna Macedonian. The Virgin was born on September 21, 961 on modern style.

b) Propontis Galatia (Golgotha) is Jesus's Hill in the Asian part of Istanbul (Tsargrad), now it is mountain Bejkos in Turkish.

c) Propontis Galatia there is an area Galata of Constantinople, opposite to the basic city through bay the Gold Horn. Above Galata have Jesus's tower. Galata in the past all settlements on the north from Tsargrad (Constantinople), including on the Asian part of a passage Bosporus which is part Propontis is Marmara Sea were considered.

d) Propontis this sea in front of Pontus or Black Sea or Russian Sea. In Russian is Propontis sounds as Pro Pontius. The geographical place is passage has a name Bosporus, but waters of a passage concern in Propontis is to Marmara Sea.

e) Galata (Galatia) it is area of Constantinople constructed by Gals – Ugrian from Galatia (Roman province Pontus Galaticus), the country located in the central part of modern Turkey. The part of Galatia was at coast of Pontus, and from the West Galatia bordered with Bithynia. We believe that the Asian part of modern Istanbul – Constantinople – Tsargrad was considered as Galatia also.

f) Words Galatia and Golgotha became actually synonyms.

g) We use text of Niceo–Tsargrad Creed as the base prototype, without the corrections brought in days of Patriarch Nikon (XVII century).

h) The citation from Acts, the Message to Galatian from Apostle Paul, paragraph 3. line 1:

« Oh, non conceivable Galatian! Who has seduced you to not obey true at which before eyes Jesus Christ has been outlined in advance, at you crucifixion? »

Pontifex Maximus Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev


Creed, XVII century.

A kind from the satellite on Sacred places of Tsargrad - Istanbul.

Map of Constantinople 1422, make by Cristoforo Buondelmonte.

Temple of Sacred Sofia, Temple of Wisdom.

Patriarchy of Constantinople, St.George's temple, place of castigation of Jesus Christ.

Patriarchy of Constantinople, St.George's temple, column of castigation of Jesus Christ.

Patriarchy of Constantinople, St.George's temple plan, place of castigation of Jesus Christ.

Galata, Jesus Christ's Tower, place of pray after last supper.

Jesus Christ Hill, Propontis Golgotha.

Empty Tomb, fortress Ioros. Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ's hill, Propontis Golgotha, sacred place of moslems.

Propontis Golgotha. An inscription is Sacred Jesus Kubar (Kabri).

Propontis Golgotha. A place of execution with spear.

Empty Tomb, fortress Ioros, it is constructed 1055. A modern photo.

News of Holy Russia 06.10.2024: Anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.
Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich in circle of family and friends has solemnly celebrated 90-years anniversary of Queen Mother Lyudmila Pavlovna Isaeva-Kubareva.

News of Holy Russia 11.09.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has published a new monograph, World History, in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of books in Russian and English are available for purchase on the Litres portal. Excerpts from books for free download are published on the resources of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

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