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News of Sacred Russia 05.03.2012: Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev about loss of legitimacy of authority in Russia.

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Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev supports the application of participants of meeting of opposition 05.03.2012 in Moscow about loss of legitimacy of legislative and executive authority in Russia after elections of the State Duma of RF 04.12.2011 and the President of RF 04.03.2012.

Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev before the face of God and Russian people believes that after carrying out of the forged elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation the legislative and executive authority in Russia has finally lost the legitimacy.

Executive and legislature in Russia exist de facto, but not de jure. Completely forged elections have led to authority in Russia party Uniform Russia and its candidate on a post of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Actually all authority in Russia is usurped Putin's by Kremlin clan which becomes the next tyrant of a world history.

Fund of Princes and Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich repeatedly tried to cooperate with legislative and executive authority of Russia in 2009-2011. In 2012 has been declared by decrees of President D.A. Medvedev like Year of the History and the 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood connected to a calling of dynasty of Rurikovich by people of Novgorod. All our offers on carrying out of solemn actions in honor of these nice dates have been rejected by the President, the Government, governors and heads of regions of Russia. Power structures in a pointed manner ignored existence and interests of patrimonial aristocracy of Russia. Ancient property of Rurikovich is in pitiable condition, and the Russian authority refuses to transfer in management to descendants of Princes of Russia their property.

In developed adverse conditions Princes of Russia can only political means to achieve restoration of historical validity and the position of the Sort of the Russia which has created modern Russia.

We declare that we do not recognize existing authority in Russia, but are compelled to communicate and cooperate with usurpers. We understand that authorities will be and to ignore our existence and interests henceforth. Therefore we shall achieve change political building in Russia with view of development of institutes of democracy and democracy.

On March 5 in Moscow has passed the next meeting opposition in which have taken part Princes of Russia and more than 20 thousand Muscovites. The opposition does not accept usurpation of authority Putin's by Kremlin clan. We understand, that Putin support about 30-35 % of voters of Russia, however this support does not give the right on occupation of all authority in the country V.V. Putin's clan.

We oppose recognitions the international community V.V. Putin is President of the Russian Federation. However the West the support has actually untied hands to Putin for suppression of protests of opposition in Russia.

On March 4, in day of elections, Moscow has been occupied by two divisions of special troops and police. The military techniques have been entered into city and means for struggle against national performances. The Kremlin has been surrounded with armies. Lawful winners are not protected from unarmed people by armies.

In one civilized country of the world the executive authority does not suppose such mockery at the rights and freedom of the citizens. On March 5 meeting of opposition has been blocked by ten thousand employees of police and hundreds special automobiles. The opposition has been compelled to hold free assembly under sights of snipers and armed people.

Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich and Fund of Princes express the indignation actions of authorities of Russia, and also a position of the international democratic community. It is shameful and unworthy to recognize dictatorship and usurpation of authority in Russia V.V. Putin's as clan.

The photographic report on meeting For fair elections! on 05.03.2012.

Preparation for meeting on the part of police and oppositionists:

Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev in the clothes prepared for possible skirmishes with police:

Before the beginning of meeting:

To inscription on the poster Shall give birth correct: Botox get out! :

Cordon on Pushkin square the armed soldiers of internal armies:

Meeting in the culmination:

Preparation of killer’s from special troops for dispersal, the rest after meeting, 2000 demonstrators:

Severe replacement by special troops of demonstrators with Pushkin square:

News of Holy Russia 11.09.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has published a new monograph, World History, in three volumes: World History, Rus’ History, and Religions History. Electronic versions of books in Russian and English are available for purchase on the Litres portal. Excerpts from books for free download are published on the resources of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

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