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Holy Russia - Third Rome

News of Sacred Russia 06.08.2012: Pilgrim visit of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev to Vladimir city.
During visit Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has visited barbarian spoiled temples of Vladimir by Orthodox Christians and about what article Church of barbarians has been written.

News of Sacred Russia 02.08.2012: Magnificent knights of Europe get Titles of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich are appropriated.
Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev granted by Decree Title Count to knight Ales Cepek, Title Duke to Doctor Francesco Paolo Scarciolla and Title Duke to Sir Roelof Pieter Quint of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

News of Sacred Russia 28.07.2012: Princes of Russ have noted holiday of the Christening of Russia in Moscow on the National march of Freedom Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!
Within the framework of celebrating 1150-anniversary of origin of the Russian statehood in 2012 Princes of Russ have organized procession and a meeting – concert Hot July. Krimsk, we are with you!

News of Sacred Russia 19.07.2012: To Dr. Sherra Cantrell Stephens–Jarrells the Title of Princess of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich is appropriated.
Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev by Decree granted a Title of Princess of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Dr. Sherra Cantrell Stephens–Jarrells.

The announcement. National march of Freedom “Hot July. Krymsk, we are with you!” Russia, Moscow, 28.07.2012.
The press release of events of the National march of Freedom Hot July at 24-28.07.2012.

News of Sacred Russia 16.07.2012: Friendly attitudes of Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich with the House of Siracusa are established.
The Highest Decree proclaims the conclusion of the Alliance between Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and House of Siracusa. In honor of this event are appropriated Title the Count to Chapter of House of Siracusa Dr. Mohammed Siracusa and Title the Countess to Dr. Marjam Siracusa.

News of Sacred Russia 12.07.2012: Kaleidoscope of news from Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev became a member of international Association Nagual. Visit of Spanish Princes Kubarev’s to Russia. Connection H.H. Duke Robert Labeeuw of Croix de St Michel (Belgium) to Fund of Princes and Council of Princes.

News of Sacred Russia 10.07.2012: Worthy Knights and Lady have joined Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich from the countries of Europe and USA.
The Highest Decree of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev grants Titles Counts to Knights Petr Vanicek and Jiri Falta, Title Marquis to knight Benjamin Zvenia and Title Countess to Lady Lucie Stastkova.

News of Sacred Russia 08.07.2012: Break of attitudes with Sovereign Royal and Imperial House of Rurikovich in Argentina.
Owing to loss of trust it is informed about an output of Grand Prince of All Russia of Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev and all our brothers and sisters Princes and Princesses from all structures of Sovereign Royal and Imperial House of Rurikovich in Argentina.

News of Sacred Russia 02.07.2012: Highest Decree of Grand Prince Valeriy Kubarev grants Titles Counts to citizens the USA.
The Decree of Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev grants Titles Count of House of Rurikovich to Sir Christopher Alan Chambers and Pastor David Odell Clevenger.

News of Sacred Russia 28.06.2012: Highest Decree authorizes bishops of Nova Church of Holy Russia in Brazil, Venezuela, USA and Canada.
Are authorized by bishops of Nova Church of Holy Russia in Brazil Dr. Italu Colares de Oliveira, in Venezuela Count Dr. Carlos Saavedra Bravo and in Canada Mr. Devon St. Denis-Richard.

News of Sacred Russia 25.06.2012: Dr. Karen Sue Cantrell title of Lightness Princess of Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich is appropriated.
Grand Prince Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev granted the Decree to Dr. Karen Sue Cantrell title of Lightness Princess of Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich.

News of Sacred Russia 18.06.2012: To Professor Noema Chaplin the Title Countess of Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich is appropriated.
For outstanding merits in business of strengthening of world peace and friendship between peoples to Professor Noema Chaplin the title Countess of Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich is appropriated.

News of Sacred Russia 14.06.2012: Funeral of Prince Nicolay Viktorovich Levashov suddenly died 11.06.2012 have taken place in Moscow.
The Assembly of Princes of Russia, Fund of Princes and Grand-Ducal August House of Rurikovich express deep and sincere condolences native and close the deceased Prince Nicolay Viktorovich Levashov.

News of Sacred Russia 26.06.2012: Taras Sergeevich Shevchenko is deprived Title the Count and ministry of Archbishop.
Because loss of trust Taras Sergeevich Shevchenko is deprived Title the Count of Grand-Ducal House of Rurikovich, ministry in Nova Church of Holy Russia and is deduced from structure of Fund of Princes.

News of Sacred Russia 12.06.2012: Demonstration of opposition in Day of Russia.
Princes of Russia from the bottom of the heart congratulate all Russians on Day of Russia. This holiday Princes of Russia have lead among Muscovites – have taken part in procession and meeting of opposition For fair elections! in Moscow.

News of Sacred Russia 06.06.2012: Decree No. 23 about creation of international Royalty & Nobility Bank is published.
For realization of the purposes and problems of the New Crusade international Royalty & Nobility Bank is formed. Founders of bank there can be any royal, princely and nobiliary family, Christian knightly Orders and also public organizations and private persons.

News of Sacred Russia 03.06.2012: Declaration of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.
In day Holy Trinity and remembrance of Equal Apostles Sacred Emperors Constantine Great and Elena, Grand Prince of All Russia Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has declared the beginning of the New Crusade for clearing of true and Empty Tomb.

News of Sacred Russia 02.06.2012: Archbishop of Nova Church of Sacred Russia in Latin America is appointed and new participants of Fund of Princes are declared.
Prince Javier Otto Gorge Gold Ferrari is appointed by Archbishop and Vladyka (Lord) of Nova Church of Sacred Russia in Latin America. New participants of Fund of Princes and Assembly of Princes became Princess Rebecca Ann Tudor and Prince Markku Komonen Rurikovich.

News of Sacred Russia 18.05.2012: Decree No. 20 from 17.05.2012 about assignment of Nova Church of Sacred Russia is published.
Grand Prince of All Russia and Pontifex Maximus Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has accepted the Decree protecting the church property and religious values of Sacred Russia from defilement and privatization by the religious organizations in Russia and all over the world.

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News of Holy Russia 05.05.2024: Congratulations of Holy Russia on the Light Holiday of Easter. Happy Easter!
The Grand Prince and Pontifex Maximus of Nova Church of Holy Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev, in the days of the biblical Apocalypse, congratulates all Christians on the Bright Holiday of Easter! Humanity is entering the era of the reign of the Antichrist when darkness and evil dominate. The light of the world is the feat of Jesus Christ, who trampled death and darkness. Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

News of Holy Russia 11.04.2024: Events around the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.
Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev granted the Title Baron of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich on Knight Christian Francois Balfroid. Viscount Masaru Kamitani was appointed Ambassador of Culture of Holy Russia and the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to Japan.

News of Holy Russia 22.12.2023: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!
Holy Russia, Nova Church of Holy Russia, Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich, Fund of Princes and Grand Prince of All Russia Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev from the bottom of the heart congratulate Christians and all citizens Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!

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