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News of Holy Russia 12.11.2023: Granting the Title of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

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Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev granted the Title Knight of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich to the student Nikita Zhuravel, who became a hostage in the Chechen Republic (Russia). Knight Nikita Zhuravel needs the protection of Christians, he must be immediately released from custody and returned home!

With the purpose of development of idea of monarchic statehood of Russia, in the name of the peace and prosperities of Russia, in the name of restoration of historical validity and in the name of strengthening the international friendship, are granted by the Highest Decree the Title Knight to Mr. Nikita Zhuravel (Russia).

For the first time in practice, the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich accepts Mr. Nikita Zhuravel into its ranks without notifying him, because he is being held hostage in the Chechen Republic and needs immediate protection from Islamic extremism and the arbitrariness of the security forces of the Russian Federation.

The story of the 19-year-old boy Nikita Zhuravel is as follows.
An Orthodox young man was born in Sevastopol into a decent family, graduated from the Suvorov Military School and moved to study at a pedagogical university in Volgograd.
There he gets into special development for the local FSB, one of whose leaders was eager to get a promotion. We believe that the internal security department of the FSB of the Russian Federation should investigate this unworthy act of its employees.
So, via the Internet, Nikita received a tempting offer to set fire to the Quran against the backdrop of the Volgograd Cathedral Mosque.
The young man, without malice, clumsily expressed his religious feelings condemning the Islamization of the Russian Federation.
Nikita Zhuravel purchased the book The Koran. Reading the meanings. Islamic Culture Research Foundation in Russian for 589 rubles. This work is fiction, and not at all the Quran in Arabic.
On May 19, 2023, on 300 meters from the Volgograd Cathedral Mosque, he set fire to a book of Reading meanings against the background of the Mosque and made a short video without comments about what was happening.
The video was published in the Telegram channel Morning of Dagestan.

Soon Nikita Zhuravel was arrested by an armed group of the FSB using violence (how quickly they exposed the enemy!).
We believe that under torture, the young man Nikita Zhuravel made a self-incrimination and admitted that he committed this act on the instructions of the SBU (Ukraine). He also testified that he photographed military facilities and passed on defense information to the SBU. However, there are no photographic materials or evidence of crimes in the case file. There is no evidence of Nikita working for Ukraine, so Nikita is not being tried for treason.
We are witnessing a gross provocation by the local FSB to justify its meaningless existence at the expense of a young man whose fate they decided to cripple.
Nikita Zhuravel is charged with crimes that he did not commit.
Zhuravel is accused under Part 2 of Article 148 “Public actions expressing clear disrespect for society and committed with the aim of insulting the religious feelings of believers, committed in a place specifically intended for worship, other religious rites and ceremonies” and Part 2 of Article 213 “Hooliganism, then is a gross violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy based on religious hatred and enmity" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The facts speak of the complete inconsistency of the prosecution. Firstly, Nikita set fire not to the Quran, but to a book of artistic content in Russian. Secondly, he set the book on fire, hiding in the bushes 300 meters from the Mosque, which in no way could offend the feelings of believers and prevent the performance of religious services. Thirdly, his act can be qualified as petty hooliganism, since he did not have a preliminary conspiracy with a group of people whose identities cannot be established.
Further events developed in a well-known way. At the request of the leadership of the Chechen Republic, the case of Nikita Zhuravel was transferred for consideration to Chechnya, violating the laws of the Russian Federation on matters of jurisdiction, transferring an Orthodox person to an Islamic enclave.
Nikita Zhuravel was taken to Chechnya, where she was taken into custody, the duration of which is regularly extended until the spring of 2024.
In prison, Nikita Zhuravel is subjected to pressure, beatings and humiliation of human dignity. He effectively became a hostage in the hands of Islamic extremists. A video was published in which the son of the head of Chechnya, Adam Kadyrov, because of religious intolerance in prison, kicks an Orthodox youth who has not yet been found guilty of illegal acts by the court.
Due to torture and the desire to preserve his life and health, Nikita Zhuravel expressed a desire to convert to Islam and began studying the Koran.
The next court hearing is scheduled for November 16, 2023. The young man faces a prison sentence of several years. There is no doubt that a harsh and illegal sentence will be imposed, and the young man's life will be ruined forever.

Grand Prince Pr. Dr. Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev draws the attention of the world and Russian public to the facts of growing Islamization and the efforts of Muslims to accustom civilized people to tolerance of Islamic terrorism and extremism. Examples of Islamic terrorism include the taking of innocent people hostage in Chechnya, Russia and Palestine with the aim of accepting the values of Islam and their bearers. Mass anti-Semitism has also become commonplace in Russia and Palestine. In Russia, in the Caucasus, a Jewish center under construction was destroyed and the international airport in Makhachkala was destroyed by Islamic extremists.

From a spiritual point of view, the world is exposed to Satan, who also has a negative influence on Muslims. Over time, Islam forgot its strict canons.

Do not make yourself an idol!

لا إله إلاَّ الله No God except Allah!

Allah does not need partners, protectors or intermediaries. Neither heavenly angels, nor prophets, nor righteous people, not to mention stones, books or animals, can be a deity and do not deserve deification. And when they say: illa-Allah, they claim that only Allah has a divine nature and that they worship only Him and do good deeds only for the sake of His pleasure.
A book cannot be the subject of deification, however, in the modern Islamic world, believers fervently worship the book, which has become an idol, and threaten all those who do not agree with this heresy with violence.
Bullying a naive young man cannot be pleasing to Allah but pleasing to Iblis.

On this basis, Holy Russia, the Nova Church of Holy Russia, the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and the Fund of Princes calls for the immediate release of Nikita Zhuravel, an apology and compensation for his illegal detention.

Holy Russia, the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and the Fund of Princes cordially congratulate Knight Nikita Zhuravel on the conferment of the Title of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich.

We wish the new members of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich and the Fund of Princes every success in their work and personal life. God bless all the Knights of the Russian Imperial House of Rurikovich!

We wish Nikita perseverance, courage and bravery, faith in God and good people!

In the photo, Knight Nikita Zhuravel when he was a cadet at the Suvorov Military School in Sevastopol and now in a court cell in the city of Grozny, Chechen Republic:

Copies of Decree No. 200 of November 12, 2023, and the Patent for the Knight Title of Nikita Zhuravel are attached:

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